Surrogacy cost in Colombia


Regular program


The following is a detailed description of the payment schedule in surrogacy programs for couples or single parents.

I. USD$ 45.000 to the signing of the contract with the clinic and the pregnant woman, taking into account that it covers:A. Program Coordination and Agency Fees.B. Legal and notarial fees, authorizations and necessary translations.C. Consultations Deposit of genetic material and storage for 1 year.D. Psychological Evaluation and Medical Examination of the Surrogate.E. IVF / Egg Donor Cycles, Stimulation and Necessary Embryo Transfers.F. Freezing of remaining embryos for one year.G. Surrogate Medication Beta and Pregnancy Test, Heartbeat Confirmation.
II. USD$ 30.000 by obtaining fetal heart rate week 12:A. Surrogacy medication and pregnancy support.B. Surrogate's Health Insurance.C. Pre-Natal Monitoring including NTIP (Non-Invasive Pre-Natal Test) Week 10 and Ultrasound.D. Surrogate's Wages, Transportation Assistance and Pregnancy-Related Expenses.E. Continuity and Pre-Natal Monitoring.F. Pregnancy-related lost wages and expenses.G. Birth, Medical Equipment, Hospital and related expenses.H. Legal fees, assistance in obtaining a birth certificate, assistance in obtaining a Colombian passport (if required), initiation of the surrogate's maternity dispute lawsuit and removal of the surrogate from the birth certificate.


To obtain the Benefits Plus, the payment of the program must be done by paying the totality of the price to the signature of the contract (The benefits do not have additional costs). For payments in two parts the regular program applies.

Please contact us for more details on plans and prices

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