Surrogacy in Colombia

A More Affordable Option for Intended Parents

Surrogacy in Colombia 


A More Affordable Option for Intended Parents



    The constitution of Colombia does not allow discrimination, so all singles, heterosexual couples, and same-sex couples may partake in our program as long as there is a genetic link to the baby.
    This was recognized by The Colombian Constitutional Court in a landmark decision in 2015 that ruled that excluding same-sex parents as potential adopters was a limitation of the right of children to have a family and not be separated from it.
    Equal rights also extend to foreigners in Article 100 of The Constitution which grants foreigners in Colombia the same civil rights and guarantees as those granted to citizens.



The Constitutional Court’s Sentence T 968 of 2009 outlines the necessary requirements and conditions of a surrogacy program including:

    there is a physiological problem to conceive;
    the gametes required for conception are not provided by the surrogate mother (there is no biological link to her);
    the surrogacy process is altruistic in nature;
    the surrogate mother meets a series of requirements such as adulthood, psychophysical health, having children, etc;
    the death of the biological parents before birth does not leave the child unprotected;
    the pregnant woman, once having a signed informed consent, and implanted with the reproductive material, cannot retract the delivery of the child;
    the biological parents cannot refuse the child under any circumstances;
    the surrogate mother must undergo relevant examinations before, during and after pregnancy, as well as psychological evaluations;
    the surrogate mother can only terminate the pregnancy with a medical indication from her doctor;



The Constitutional Court’s Sentence T 968 of 2009 outlines the necessary requirements and conditions of a surrogacy program including:

    there is a physiological problem to conceive;
    the gametes required for conception are not provided by the surrogate mother (there is no biological link to her);
    the surrogacy process is altruistic in nature;
    the surrogate mother meets a series of requirements such as adulthood, psychophysical health, having children, etc;
    the death of the biological parents before birth does not leave the child unprotected;
    the pregnant woman, once having a signed informed consent, and implanted with the reproductive material, cannot retract the delivery of the child;
    the biological parents cannot refuse the child under any circumstances;
    the surrogate mother must undergo relevant examinations before, during and after pregnancy, as well as psychological evaluations;
    the surrogate mother can only terminate the pregnancy with a medical indication from her doctor;
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